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Petros Provides Multi-fuel for Petrol, Diesel, Electricity and Hydrogen Vehicles

· Industry Updates

 Petros Sarawak (Petros) has opened its first multi-fuel station in Darul Hana, providing vehicles fueled by conventional fossil fuels (petrol and diesel), electricity, or hydrogen. The new Petros station better combines the various refueling alternatives and includes provisions for hydrogen fuel, which Sarawak is focusing on as it converts to a hydrogen economy.

Majority of the pump at the station is the pump for conventional fossil fuels like petrol and diesel. However, Petros do provide multistandard EV chargers from Exicom at one end of the station. These multistandard EV chargers can produce maximum 12kW of AC and up 60kW DC power at one time. 


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Hydrogen fuel for vehicles that are using hydrogen is also provided but only available in the future. Besides, Petros also provided another three EV chargers but this three is from ChargEV that is located in front of the Oasis convenience store. These three chargers could produce 22 kW of AC power respectively. 

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The launching of the Petros in Sarawak will make a significant result as Sarawak is in process to convert into a hydrogen economy. Sarawak is currently leading the transition to a hydrogen economy in Southeast Asia. There are more multi fuel stations that will be launched in Sarawak soon. They are planning to set up in  Sri Aman, Sibu, Bintulu and Miri. From 2030 to 2050, Sarawak's roadways will see an increase in electrified vehicles as automakers transition from internal combustion engines to powertrains based on electricity and hydrogen.