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Car Production & Sales for May 2021

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The Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) has announced the updates for car sales in May 2021. They stated on 18th June 2021, there’s a total of 46,663 cars delivered in April 2021, which 11,249 units (or 19.4%) less than the 57,912 units sold in last month.

Nevertheless, last month's total was nearly double that of the same month in 2020, when 23,366 units were moved, resulting in a 99.7% increase this year. In terms of year-to-date data, the 245,932 units sold in the first five months of the year are 117,142 units (90.9 %) more than all the 128,790 units sold in the same period the previous year.

The MAA described the drop in sales last month due to a variety of factors, including the enforcement of the third movement control order (MCO 3.0) in the second week of May and the fact that the working month was cut short due to the Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive period. The worldwide chip scarcity was nevertheless affecting certain brands' manufacturing – and sales.

With the country under lockdown for the whole month and showrooms – as well as manufacturing factories – shuttered for the period, the organisation predicts that June's statistics will be practically non-existent, save for the carrying forward of May registration units that were not billed throughout the month.

The one good light is that the sales tax exemption, which was set to expire on June 30, has been extended until the end of the year, ensuring that car sales will stay positive until December.

However, this is not the end of the world. You can still buy and pre-book the car first. Plus, we also can help you on assisting your financial problems such as checking your credit report, giving you a consultation and financing help regarding buying cars. 

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